What blend of essential oils to choose for your candle?

Currently, there is a wide range of scented candles on the market. They differ in price, smell, wick, quality of workmanship and used wax. The type of fragrance used to make the candle has a great influence on its properties. Natural scented candles are available both with natural essential oils and with artificial essences.

By choosing candles with artificial fragrance compositions, we get a synthetically composed fragrance that was not created by nature.


Using candles with natural essential oils we get 100% of nature. These candles are created for patrons of natural products who care about their health and have much greater consumer awareness.

Specially composed blends of essential oils are added to the natural wax from which the candle is made of.

You light up a candle and depending on the chosen scent, you move to a summer walk along the edge of the forest, feeling in the air the wafting smell of resins and moss or to the summer garden in the evening, reveling in the scent of fragrant herbs and flowers.

Essential oils give simple and pure fragrance-derived combinations from natural plants, which makes the fragrances unique and brings us closer to the nature.



  1. They are safe - everything that has been used in their production comes from nature.

  2. They bring an aromatherapeuticall effect - they can positively affect our emotional state, help regulate hormonal balance, improve immunity. Selected essential oils in candles also have strong bactericidal properties, thanks to which they have a positive effect on air purification.


The candles created in the Light of Hummingbird workshop are scented ones, and we use only natural essential oils for their production. They smell definitely different from those widely available on the market, obtained in a synthetic way. Their goal is not to flavor the space, but only to create a unique atmosphere that will take us to a unique space. Our products are supposed to have a positive effect on our health and well-being, so you will not find artificially obtained fragrances in them. When they are burned, a very delicate, subtle and natural scent comes out.




We have created 7 fragrance compositions to choose from:



It is a blend of scent that brings us a joyful and blissful mood. A warm note of orange has an antidepressant effect, lavender calms us down and lemongrass makes us optimistic, brightens and organizes thoughts and reduces fatigue. Perfect for an afternoon time.

Blend composition:

lavender, orange, bergamot, lemongrass



It is a wonderful meeting of beautiful energies - sweet orange warming the mind and body, spicy patchouli that surrounds us with an aura of mystery and stimulates the senses and lavender which relaxes and unwinds... A perfect composition for a romantic evening for two.

Blend composition:

patchouli, sweet orange, lavender



An aromatic bath in these aromas will organize your thoughts and strengthen the psyche, thanks to rosemary that refreshes the mind and body. Mystical Lavender combined with cedar will relax and improve your mood and have a slightly aphrodisiac effect.

Blend composition:

rosemary, cedar, lavender



It will take you straight to the mood of intimacy. The smell of the spicy cookie and earl grey tea with citrus... It will warm and wrap you up on a winter evening. It will tempt your senses with citrus mixed with cinnamon, clove, bergamot and spruce.

Blend composition:

cinnamon, clove, bergamot, spruce, tangerine, orange



A perfect combination of the main three essential oils - bergamot, lavender and cedar. It perfectly harmonizes, calms you down so that you can forget about the whole day’s stress and helps you to sleep.

Blend composition:

bergamot, lavender, cedar



Fantastically harmonizing aromas will add energy and courage for the whole day! Rosemary and lemon relieve tension, support concentration, revive, strengthen and stimulate.

Time spent in the company of this blend of essential oils will refreshen you and give you vigor. Perfect when you need to boost up your energy and have trouble waking up.

Blend composition:

rosemary, lemon



It is a wonderful meeting of beautiful energies - eucalyptus, mint and lemon. Eucalyptus and mint refresh and support the brain functions, clarify and organize thoughts. Time spent in the company of this blend of essential oils strengthens concentration, awakens the senses, adds confidence and opens up creativity. It is recommended to use it during the time of strong intellectual and physical effort. Perfectly supports our concentration and helps to keep our thoughts clear.

Blend composition:

eucalyptus, peppermint, lemon, grapefruit, rosemary

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